Core Emotional Healing Therapy
For profound transformation and deeper core healing, therapy will be needed over a longer period of time. This approach allows the necessary time for your process to unfold organically, ensuring integration and sustainable progress in your healing journey.
Somatic Therapy and EMDR get to the heart of the matter, allowing you to access and process stuck emotions, unresolved traumas, or subconscious patterns that may be holding you back. This happens at a pace guided by you. Using somatic techniques, I help you explore your inner landscape, safely. EMDR is particularly effective at helping you ‘unhook’ from traumatic states, so past events don’t shape the way you see yourself anymore. The memory looses it’s emotional charge and becomes purely fact.
This work creates lasting change, enabling you to break free from old patterns and limiting beliefs, creating space for you to live more freely.
Somatic EMDR Therapy can help with
- Behavioural habits
- Unresolved emotions
- Painful childhood memories
- Reactivity and irritability
- Increasing self-awareness/presence/deeper self-connection
- Exploring and understanding the root cause of issues
- Learning how to regulate your nervous system
- Increasing self-care and self-compassion